Why did I call this thing "flyansett"...?

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Welcome to Adelaide

Between Thurs 8 Feb and Tues 13 Feb, Rob, Chuck and myself ventured to Adelaide! It was an interesting experience. Here are the highlights:

One of the weirdest things we encountered there was ... green grass and water! Yes, SA is in water-restrictions, but most of the fountains and stuff were still flowing. It was really quite weird...

Every full day we were there we headed to the Glenelg beach - a fantastic place! 30min from the city by tram which pulls into a fantasic civic square with resturants, shops and mini-golf ;) We even saw dolphins

Another odd thing we found at the Botanical Gardens...

Does "Museum of Economic Botany" have something to do with money-trees...?


  • did you go into the muesum?

    By Blogger Trav, At Friday, February 23, 2007 12:27:00 am  

  • oh that grass! (I was in Adelaide yesterday) They have an abundance! You can tell I'm such a Bendigo-child, can't you? My sister was paying me out and was going to take a photo of me rolling down a green hill. It annoys me that Pinnaroo has sprinklers on in the middle of the day!

    Glad you liked glenelg. I had a fancy lunch there yesterday. Much better than any beach in victoria :P I'm guessing you went to the 'beach-house' then? It was so much better when it was magic mountain, although my parents never let me go there! Dolphins?! Did you know at the moment there's a shark epedemic off Adelaide's beaches? Are you sure it wasn't a shark?

    At least this visit you had power ;)

    By Blogger Achi Myachi, At Friday, February 23, 2007 10:58:00 am  

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